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Pursuing M.Ed in 2024 at Maharshi Dayanand University

Pursuing M.Ed in 2024 at Maharshi Dayanand University

Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU) in Rohtak is a premier institute for postgraduate education in Haryana. Aspiring educators planning to pursue M.Ed admission 2024 can consider applying to MDU which offers a two-year M.Ed program approved by the NCTE. In this article, we explore key details regarding MDU's M.Ed admissions process, eligibility criteria, program highlights and more.

About MDU’s M.Ed Program 

MDU's Department of Education provides M.Ed training focused on developing education specialists, researchers and teacher educators. The program objectives are:

- Advance teachers' professional competencies and leadership skills

- Build research capabilities for analyzing educational trends and challenges

- Prepare educators for policy planning, administration and management 

- Develop expertise in using ICT and technology for teaching-learning

- Foster curriculum design skills, effective assessment and lifelong learning ability

The two-year full-time M.Ed from mdu program comprises theory courses, practical work, workshops, seminars, field engagement and research dissertation. MDU follows NCTE's curriculum framework and regulations for its M.Ed degree. Students undertake courses in areas like:

- Educational Studies 

- Curriculum Development

- Teacher Education

- Educational Technology

- Educational Management 

- Special Education

- Guidance and Counselling

Highly experienced faculty provide mentorship and training in small batches to ensure individual attention. MDU's M.Ed degree leads to lucrative career prospects in teaching, research, educational administration and training.

Eligibility Criteria for M.Ed in MDU

To be eligible for MDU's M.Ed admission program commencing in 2024, applicants must fulfil the following criteria:

- Hold a B.Ed degree with minimum 50% marks (5% relaxation for reserved categories)

- Have a B.Ed degree and M.A/M.Sc/M.Com degree with 50% marks minimum

- Clear the MDU M.Ed entrance exam 

- Candidates with 2 years teaching experience are preferred

Entrance Exam Pattern

MDU conducts its own entrance exam for M.Ed admission. The exam comprises the following:

- Teaching Aptitude and General Awareness - 50 marks

- Reasoning Ability - 25 marks 

- Language Proficiency in English/Hindi - 25 marks

The total duration is 2 hours. Questions are objective-type multiple choice questions. General category candidates need to score minimum 40% to qualify while reserved category cut-off is 35%.

Admission Process and Timeline

The tentative schedule for MDU M.Ed admissions 2024 is:

- Release of application form: 2nd week of April 2023

- Entrance exam date: 1st week of June 2023 

- Result declaration: 3rd week of June 2023

- Counselling process: July 2023

- Commencement of classes: 1st week of August 2023

Application forms will be available on MDU's website. Applicants must register online, fill the form and submit it before the deadline along with entrance exam fees. Selection is based on entrance test merit, followed by counselling and admission.

Fees and Scholarships

The total program fees for MDU's two-year M.Ed course is approximately Rs. 90,000. Hostel, mess and other expenses are additional. Reserved category students receive fee concessions. Scholarships are also available subject to eligibility and performance criteria laid down by the university.


MDU provides excellent facilities and expert guidance for the M.Ed program. Aspiring teacher educators looking for quality postgraduate training and research opportunities can consider applying for MDU's entrance test as per the schedule. With thorough preparation, hard work and determination, M.Ed graduates from MDU can excel as scholars and leaders advancing education.


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